How to Have a Hygge Weekend
Hygge: that warm, fuzzy, cosy feeling you get from simple pleasures and spending fun time with others. Sounds like the perfect addition to your weekend. Here’s how to create your ultimate hygge weekend.
Live your best weekends with advice and resources on how to level up your free time – from Friday night to Monday morning.
Hygge: that warm, fuzzy, cosy feeling you get from simple pleasures and spending fun time with others. Sounds like the perfect addition to your weekend. Here’s how to create your ultimate hygge weekend.
If you’ve missed travel during the pandemic and are keen to start getting out there again, a weekend away is the ideal place to start. Get dreaming about your next weekend getaway, whether it’s with friends, your partner, family, or by yourself. Here’s how to plan the perfect weekend away!
Remember when weekends used to consist of nights out, sleeping late, leisurely brunches, or taking a bath without people arriving to use the toilet right next to your head? Nope, me neither. Don’t despair: here’s how to relax at the weekend when you have kids.
The working week’s over and it’s time for some downtime. What are you planning to do with your family this weekend? Get any chores and boring errands out of the way early and enjoy your precious free time. Here are 75 activities to enjoy with your family this weekend.
Do your weekends disappear in a flash? Feel like you haven’t relaxed AND haven’t got through anything on your to-do list? You might benefit from a weekend routine.
In search of the perfect weekend? Does that even exist? Here are some tips for creating the perfect weekend for you, no matter what that looks like.
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