How To Enjoy Winter (even if you hate it)
Most people tend to have a favourite season. For some it’s the long sultry days of summer and for others it’s the crispness of autumn or the freshness of spring. Far fewer, though, are those who love winter the best. If you’re not a lover of the cold season (I am firmly not), then here are 20 easy ways to get your hygge on and not be miserable this winter!
Getting Through Winter
Depending on where you live, winters can be mild or fierce, long or short. Here in Scotland, our mainly coastal landscape means winters are not too extreme – BUT being this far north (we’re on a similar latitude to Moscow, Copenhagen, Newfoundland and Alaska) means it is DARK. Average hours of winter daylight here are only 7 hours, and on gloomy days it feels like the darkness never lifts. I struggle with that, and come the end of January I am usually pretty desperate for some signs of spring. So I need to have small, easy things to help me get through the winter more easily – and more cheerfully.
How Not To Hate Winter
So, how can you enjoy winter when it’s cold and dark out there? We’ve heard a lot in recent years about the Danish notion of Hygge. Now much-exported and used as the inspiration for a million Pinterest photos of fuzzy socks and hot chocolate, hygge is best described as a feeling rather than a physical concept. It’s a warm, cosy atmosphere, and enjoying the good things in life with others. Which sounds amazing – but how do you actually get it? What can you do on a practical level to get the cosy feeling and enjoy winter more?
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How to Enjoy Winter (even when you hate it)
If you struggle with winter, here are some simple ways to life your mood and enjoy the season.
1. Get Outside Whenever You Can
I feel like I mention this in most of the posts I write, but it’s probably my favourite piece of advice. DO NOT STAY INDOORS ALL WINTER. I know it’s cold out there, but staying away from daylight and fresh air will not make you feel good. This is even more important if you’re working from home these days and have given up the daily commute that usually gets you out of the house.
Of course there will be wet, windy days when you don’t go out and that’s fine. But don’t stay in for days. My mental health takes a real dive when I don’t get outside for a while, so I make it a priority to get out most days, even for just a short time. Sometimes I have to force myself, but I never regret it.
So get out there for a walk, boost your mental health and get your vitamin D. But wrap up warm or you’ll be miserable, which leads me to the next point…
2. There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing
Obviously there totally IS such a thing as bad weather. I’m looking at depressing grey sleet out the window right now – but the POINT is: you’ll always hate winter if you don’t invest in the right clothes. Proper clothes. Practical clothes.
I spent my 20s and 30s surviving winter in the most impractical clothing. Nary a weatherproof item nor a sensible piece of footwear ever darkened my door, but that was ok because I was rocking a trendy coat and killer boots. Then I had kids, moved to the suburbs, and entered middle-age, and so now I love all things cosy and waterproof. It will happen to you too – sorry.
Dressing Properly for Cold Weather
Base layers: Any kind of warm layer next to your skin will cosy you up, but for really cold days then fleece-lined thermals are your friend. I now wear thermals all winter and just like that, I’m not cold any more. (It’s almost as if they designed them for that purpose. Shocking.)
Socks: Put away your cotton socks for winter. Your toes will be far happier in some woollen socks, preferably thick hiking ones, or the lovely Scandinavian-style Nordic socks that I can’t get enough of.
An insulated waterproof coat: Invest in the best you can afford and you’ll hopefully be able to wear it for years.
Hats, gloves and scarves that are actually warm: Wool or fleece, and soft enough so that you don’t want to pull them off. For gloves, you’re best with insulated ones with a waterproof layer.
3. Write a list of things that are positive about winter
If you think this sounds like a cheesy, pointless activity, hear me out. Your mindset about winter is probably one of the biggest barriers you have to enjoying it. If you’re focused on the negative it can be hard to see the positive. This is certainly one of the issues I have to overcome every year, and a simple activity like this can really help. It can also help you to identify the practical things you can do to feel better about this time of year.
It doesn’t matter what’s on your list. My own list includes some really small things and usually looks something like this:
- Spending more time indoors and not feeling bad about “wasting” a sunny day
- Drinking hot chocolate regularly with no guilt
- Making a list of shows and movies I want to catch up on
- Watching those shows under a cosy blanket
- Gathering a pile of books I’ve been wanting to read
- Spending weekend afternoons baking treats and trying out new recipes
- Putting soft fuzzy winter sheets on the bed
- Getting some new scented candles / diffuser oils / twinkly lights for the dark nights at home
- Going for walks on crisp frosty ground after weeks of wading through the autumn mud
- Going to bed early because it’s so dark and getting more sleep
- Buying some expensive hand cream to stop the winter dry skin
- Not shaving my legs all the time
- Sweaters and cardigans that come all the way down to your thighs
- Boots, scarves, slippers, and thick socks
- The whole Christmas season in general (I may hate winter but I LOVE Christmas)
- Putting bird feeders out in the garden and watching them with a cup of tea
- Weekend laziness in pyjamas
If you’re having a day where you’re struggling, pull out your list and it might just make you feel better or give you a new idea for cheering yourself up.
4. Improve your winter hot drink selection

Year round, I run on decaff tea made in oversized mugs. But there’s always room for something extra, especially in winter when we’re drinking more hot drinks than ever. My U.S. friends tell me that it’s quite unusual for American kitchens to have a kettle. Us Brits can’t compute the idea of heating water in a microwave or on the stove: here, a kettle is probably the most used appliance in our homes. “Put the kettle on” is basically a greeting in the UK.
If you’re bored of your existing hot drinks, try some flavoured teas, different coffee, or some more luxurious hot chocolate. It’s such a tiny improvement to your life, but having a selection to choose from and warm you up might be just what you need to feel better about the day. FYI – currently obsessed with this Chai Latte stuff.
5. Eat seasonally during winter
It’s cold, dark and wet out there. This is not the weather for light summer food. A nice crisp green salad might be just the thing you’re craving some days, but for the most part try to nourish your body with warm, cosy recipes made from seasonal ingredients.
In the UK, seasonal food for this time of year includes vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, onion, parsnips, pumpkins, leeks, onions, swedes, and brussels sprouts. All of which are just perfect in soups and stews. Apples and pears are also in season this time of year, which are lovely chucked in a salad (preferably with a bit of blue cheese) or turned into a crumble.
I really enjoy winter cooking – not just because of the food, but I love the cosy warmth of the kitchen in winter. Making soup with a podcast playing while the rain pelts the windows is one of my favourite winter pastimes.
6. Read books to make you feel good about winter
As well as eating and dressing seasonally, it can really help to read seasonally! There are so many winter novels you could settle down to, but what about a book that’s actually ABOUT winter, and that may even change how you feel about the cold months? Check out my winter reading recommendations – or here are a couple of my favourites:
The Christmas Chronicles by Nigel Slater
If Nigel Slater can’t make you appreciate winter, then nobody can. A true winter-phile, the way he writes about winter is so evocative and so enthusiastic that you can’t help reassessing your own viewpoint. It’s part-diary, part-recipe book, and a fantastic read that will take you from November to February. Great to keep out in the living room and dip into whenever you get a chance.
Merry Midwinter by Gillian Monks
A brilliant little book that will make you long for winters-gone-by. Starting at Halloween and heading through to Christmas, this ode to midwinter and how it has traditionally been celebrated is a refreshing change to the consumerism of modern Christmas. With lots of ideas for making your own decorations and old-fashioned recipes, it’s a little cornucopia of cosy winter inspiration.
How to Winter by Kari Leibowitz
Currently reading this and it’s great. Time to address your mindset and change how you feel about the season. Think it’s impossible? Dr Leibowitz doesn’t, and she’s going to show you how. Perfect for any one who struggles with their mental health around this time of year, SAD sufferers, and all-round winter-haters.
Wintering by Katherine May
A Sunday Times and New York Times bestseller – this one combines memoir, nature writing, and cultural insights to show how embracing life’s fallow seasons can lead to growth and healing. Katherine May has a pretty lyrical style, and will teach you to slow down, seek solace in nature, and accept the cyclical rhythms of life – all as a path towards resilience and self-discovery. Sounds deep? Maybe – but it’s a bestseller for a reason. Try it!
7. Stay Connected With Friends and Family
We naturally see less of people in the winter as this time of year means more time spent indoors. And then COVID happened, we all became more isolated, and I’m not sure we’ve really got back to how things were in the Before-Times.
I’m quite the natural hermit and have to talk myself into connecting with people over contented pottering on my own, but it’s always worth it.
Staying connected is one of the pillars of mental health. So meet up for a walk, even in the freezing cold. Invite people over, head to a cozy coffee shop, or try a new restaurant. If you’re feeling low and can’t handle any “live” interaction right now, try sending a text, email, or a card. Just do one small thing to reach out and it will likely help.
8. Give in to your desire to hibernate
It’s time to cast away all guilt about spending more time in hibernation mode. As the daylight hours shorten, our bodies’ natural response is to spend more time resting. Don’t fight it – do one of these:
- Go to bed early, preferably with a hot water bottle, a hot drink and a good book
- Curl up somewhere cosy and start an audiobook (or find an old-fashioned radio play – bliss!)
- Take a nap at the weekend and do not feel bad about it
- Add some shows and movies to your watchlist and binge away
9. Approach Winter Like a Child
Every year, I look out the window as the first snow falls and I sigh because I just don’t love the snow. But then I see how delighted my kids are and remind myself to try and see what they see.
Try to approach winter like a child. Children do not tend to be seasonally affected. They also mostly love snow. They think ice is fun. And if they can’t get outside, they find great joy in being able to spend the day in their pyjamas, making a fort out of cushions and blankets. Be more child.
10. Do Some Winter Good Deeds
There is a theory that there’s no such thing as a selfless act, because good deeds make you feel better about yourself. But that doesn’t sound like a bad thing to me. Help yourself by helping others, I say. Look up a new charity and make a donation, volunteer, clear snow from a neighbour’s driveway, drop off items at the food bank, or offer to go shopping for an older person. If you can help someone else while feeling better about winter life, then it’s win-win.
11. Plan Things To Look Forward To
I find this pretty easy in November and December, because I’m a big Christmas fan and I love Advent with all the build-up of the festive season. Come January and February though, and I find it more of a struggle.
My husband (who is really, really not a fan of the cold and dark months) deals with this time of year by planning out trips for the coming months. As I type he is planning trips for the Easter and summer school holidays.
And if you really can’t think of anything, start a spring countdown. Cross off those days, Shawshank-style!
12. Cosy Up Your Home For Winter
This one is a must for enjoying winter more, and changing things up at home is pretty much guaranteed to cheer you up. Think of some simple changes you can make in each room:
Living Room: Get out the cosy blankets, throws, and furry cushions. Have more than one of each unless you want to spend the winter fighting over them.
Bedroom: If you feel the cold at night, then as well as putting on a thicker duvet or comforter, you should try brushed cotton or flannel sheets, or fleece “teddy bear” sheets.
Home Office: If you’re working from home and only using one room, keep it at a cosier temperature with a fire or extra heater.
Make sure you’re ventilating your home every day in winter to avoid musty air or any accumulation of damp. It’s also really important to ventilate daily if you’re a fan of using candles. And speaking of candles…
13. Improve your lighting
With all the darkness out there, use light to your advantage. You need two kinds of light in your home: work lighting and relaxation lighting.
Wherever you’re working (or cooking or doing other tasks) you want to have strong, bright sources of light. Look for “daylight” style bulbs.
When you want to relax then aim to make your rooms as inviting and cosy as possible with lower-level, warmer lighting. Twinkly lights are not just for Christmas! They can make a huge difference to a room. Candles (or battery-operated versions) are also essential to a cosy winter home. I recently discovered that you can get rechargeable tealights and this has been a total gamechanger. Put them everywhere, enjoy the glow, and then just charge them right up again.
If you suffer with low mood in winter, then try a lightbox designed to help with Seasonal Affective Disorder, or “the SAD lamp” as we call it in this house. My husband really benefits from using one of these every morning in the dark months. And as the person who lives with him, I can’t recommend it highly enough, lol. Definitely worth a try.
14. Adopt a Positive Winter Mindset (Or Spend Time with Someone who has one)
If you followed step 3 and wrote a list of things you enjoy about winter, that will make this much easier. Basically, be mindful of your attitude to winter and stop focusing on only the negative. It’ll only make you dislike it more. Instead, try turning things on their head. Make positives from those negatives.
Don’t think: “The time after Christmas is so empty. There’s still so much of winter left to go”
Do think: “After Christmas, every day is getting longer. We’re in the second half of winter and soon enough it will start to get lighter and warmer.”
This type of mindset work does take practice. If you’re struggling with changing your mindset, try spending time with someone who enjoys winter and isn’t affected by it. Some of their positivity is bound to rub off on you.
15. Treat Yourself to Some Winter Luxuries
Try treating yourself to some little luxuries to help you enjoy winter more. Get that little dopamine boost in your brain by investing in some purchases, however small, to actively let you make the most of the winter months. Try some of these for starters:
- Thermal base layers for winter walks
- Wool socks – or cashmere socks if you want to splash out (the ultimate treat for your feet)
- A super soft scarf
- Candles with winter scents like pine or spice (I love this one)
- Diffuser oils to help you feel relaxed or energised
- Hand cream for dry winter skin
- Luxurious hot chocolate mix
16. Do Not Underestimate The Soul-Soothing Power of Hot Water
Some days you get chilled to the bone while hunched over your laptop working. Some days you get soaked through on a rainy walk. And on these days, it feels like nothing will warm you up. No sweater or pair of woolly socks is up to the task. But immerse yourself in hot water and the cold is magically gone – which is why it should be an essential part of your winter survival kit.
A hot bubble bath is the answer to many of life’s woes, so embrace it. Heat the bathroom, grab your fluffy towel and warm yourself up. Turn on the radio or a podcast, sink back and relax. I’m also seriously considering buying one of the ocean projector lights that I keep seeing all over social media and using it to make bathtime even better.
17. Make Something
The great thing about making things is the instant gratification factor. While you’re indoors more this winter, use the time to make something. It could be food or Christmas gifts, or maybe you want to start a little cottage industry.
Even if you think you don’t like crafting, give something a go. I am terrible at knitting and sewing, so I tend to avoid them – but I’m great at making fudge and baking. Do what brings you joy.
18. Gather Round a Bonfire or Fire Pit
There’s something about flames in the darkness. Humankind has always gathered round a fire, and it never loses any of its appeal. Lots of us put away our patio firepits in the winter, but try gathering round it on a cold, dark night. Roast some marshmallows to make S’mores or just enjoy watching the flames with a hot drink. It’s a great way to enjoy some fresh air after a long day when the daylight fades early.
19. Make Some To-Read / To-Watch / To-Listen Lists for Winter
I do love a list and usually have several on the go. But the dark depths of winter is perhaps not the time to write a long list of DIY jobs to do around the house. Instead, write a list you really want to tackle. Whether it’s a list just for you, or one you want to create as a family, try cataloguing all the movies, books, audiobooks, and even board games, that you want to try on all these long winter evenings.
If books are your thing, here are some winter reading recommendations.
20. Or – Create a Winter Bucket List with The Kids
This is a great family activity. My kids love to write lists of seasonal activities. (I think they mostly enjoy adding wacky suggestions and seeing which I’ll say yes or no to….) Whether you want to go sledging or try out a new winter recipes, there are plenty of winter bucket lists out there for inspiration. Or follow my Winter Pinterest board.
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I hope this post gives you some ideas for taking small steps towards enjoying winter a bit more. And even if you do still hate it, remember that this too shall pass: spring is coming!
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Need to save this list! I hate winter every year and it’s so much worse this year with COVID 🙁
Great post, I know I’m guilty of making the most of winter and hibernating at home. Love these ideas and motivation to get on and get out to enjoy the days
It really helps even if it is a struggle some days!
I really needed to read this! Seasonal sadness always gets to me this time of year so these tips were very helpful!
The winter mood is real! Hope it helps.
YES to proper winter attire! Being cold isn’t fun for ANYONE if you’re not layered up. I LOVE the winter personally, but I’m always miserable unless I’ve got on the right clothes. Such a fun and helpful piece!
Thanks! I’m so in love with my thermal underwear!!
I totally agree with you; there isn’t bad weather, but bad clothing! Winter is so much more tolerable when you have the proper clothes to keep you warm.
It’s so true, right? I can’t believe it took me so many years to get it, lol.
Awe, what an amazing list! I love the idea of approaching winter like a child 🙂 I remember how excited I used to be about snow!
Exactly! All those happy childhood memories 🙂
Oh my goodness, this was such a timely read as we are into almost 2 weeks of below freezing temps in the midwest!
So are we here in Scotland – there’s thick snow on the ground and no signs of it going anywhere soon!
I like the idea of creating a bucket list with kids over winter. Since we couldn’t go out anywhere this winter, me and my kids took up baking and baked lot of cookies and cakes over the break.
We’re exactly the same! I’ve done so much baking with the kids lately. Luckily they love it but my clothes are mysteriously shrinking 😉
I absolutely feel that it is important to get outside and enjoy daylight in winter. I think one of the main reasons children tend to enjoy winter more is they spend much more time outdoors in it, taking in the little sunshine there is.
When commitments, working, housework etc take place in the already short days it’s hard to make that moment to get outside. The weather doesn’t help at times. I’ve found myself slipping into SAD in some years. I do try to inject a bit of humour into my situation, even though I don’t really hate it, I bought myself a pompom hat which says “I Hate Winter” on it nice and boldly. It’s fun and it amuses me because it feels like I am fighting back against my SAD by wearing it on miserable days. The smiles and compliments from other people it gets also are great for my mood.
Love the idea of that hat! Anything that helps you feel like you’re fighting back against SAD is a great idea. Hopefully spring is on its way soon. Although it’s snowing here in Edinburgh today!
I love all your tips! I must write all these down so I can be prepared next winter. Thanks for sharing!
I loved reading this! So many good ideas ! Can’t say that winter gets me down particularly, and I’m not only used to spending a lot of time on my own, I actually don’t mind it. I never manage to fit everything in that I want to do so I don’t get bored, but I do understand that people who don’t have hobbies/pastime’s they enjoy, can feel bored or restless. Your suggestions cover many different things to lift the mood that cold, dark winter brings and I think if a winter suffering person were to try at least one of them they would feel a whole lot better.
This has made me feel so much better about winter coming! Waking up this morning to grey skies made me want to get on a plane, but this has made me quite excited for winter. Thank you !!🥰
this article has helped me
Great tips! 🌨️ Getting outside, even in winter, really boosts the mood 🌞🚶♀️. And yes, dressing right makes all the difference – no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing! 🧥❄️
I like to watch the birds in winter. I make a home made bird food blend with a variety of seeds and I also make vegan suet cakes for them as well. It’s so enjoyable to watch them at their feeding stations and makes the time fly by (no pun intended).
I also like to spend the time during winter to do indoor projects such as de-cluttering, organizing, decorating, etc.
Winter is also a great time to do some sewing, knitting, trying new recipes, etc. Anything home related.
Great tips. Attitude is one thing thats really important, something to note on a site called ‘Almost the weekend’. What about the other days of the week !
My new resolution is to find ways to max out 365 days a year…as someone once said ‘ Every night is Saturday night and every morning is Monday morning’. Attitude plays a big part.
Wow, who knew I could actually be excited for winter?? Your perspective has definitely shifted mine! I do love nice cozy nights in, and I’m looking forward to those Christmas cookie baking nights!
Thank you very much
Thank you
Wow. What a lovely list! Best I’ve found. Great reminders for Minnesota USA winters. Thank you.